At some point questions arise that has one consider more than the materialism of the senses.  There’s something peculiar and not subject to physical laws about the “self” and having “self” awareness, individuation.  Something beyond the sperm that ultimately won and the mitosis that resulted in the body, the physical.  There is no doubt or challenge that our physiologies and our DNA are identical.  But why then aren’t our personalities?  Subjected to identical environments with identical makeups microscopically, yet personality variations that baffle everyone; entities still come into existence that choose evil, who seek to destroy societies and cultures, to destroy the physical. 

This is not a defense of the spiritual, but support for both substance (the material) and experience (the realm of the subjective, the individual).  There exists no taxonomy for all the “selves” out there, nor for all the personalities lest they have some disorder.  I cannot have your experience – what you are experiencing through your senses – just as you cannot have mine.  I am not you and you are not I.  And neither I nor you exist to one another except in physical form, our cellular twins.  But I do not look at your form and see me, I see another human; just as you see yourself as both another human and YOU, distinct from me.  What then is an individual?  Especially since it cannot be logically argued that the physical form makes us all identical.


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