But if Revolution is off the Table

… and you really are a strict adherent to peace at all costs, that there is no alternative to peace to solve complex, urgent, destructive economic issues, *sigh*   I’m going to assume that you agree with the basic premise of my calls for potentially violent direct action – that something drastic must be done regarding the doomed economic model known as “capitalism” – then you understand that complex steps must be taken if you are to disassemble using prolonged, frustratingly patient tactics.  Thus…

Might I make some suggestions?  This is a multi-faceted strategy that will take several years and resources to properly implement, and even then it’s hard to ensure the commitments of the willing given the risks involved.  Some of these may seem silly but so is a strategy that allows for more suffering, believing it can succeed by using the institutions it claims are “bought and sold” and beyond the touch of the 99%.

– Mobilize all sympathetic military and industry individuals (yes, they exist).  The biggest most threatening asset the corporate state has at its disposal is the military.  But not all of them take the oath without any apprehension or concern… find them.

– Reroute mail, particularly debt collections, to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or the bank/corporation of your choice.  They will notice, but it takes time.  300 million + letters to the oval office attempting to collect a debt?  Good times!!

– For the years prior, abstain from voting at all tiers of government, wherever an election takes place Or, conversely, make voting compulsory.

– Clog up the civil court system with frivolous mass tort and class action cases & complicate business practice by incessant grievances, complaints to human resources etc

– Cut off the 1%’s lifeline: 99%-ers remove all money from banking and credit union institutions; 100% of 99% call in sick, or perhaps quit work entirely, that Monday.  It should commence on a Monday, the beginning of the work week, and if possible, at the beginning of the new fiscal year.

– Disrupt the system of consumption: abstain from any and all non-life sustaining purchases (purchasing only that which one needs for the week of subversion).

– Crash the justice system – this one is more difficult and will require incentives.  Somehow arrange for as many of the 90% or so of individuals who plead out to decline a plea and request a trial.

… to be continued

I’m thinking a bigger overall question you must ask yourselves is:

what conditions gave rise to such ideas as communism and socialism?  why are you willing to tolerate any of them?  has peaceful, non-violence really brought about the ECONOMIC changes necessary for sustainability?

Remember: this is about our ECONOMIC SYSTEM ONLY.  Nothing else.  This revolution has nothing to do with issues of racism, church and state, the 2-party duopoly, international relations etc… we can’t focus our attention on issues of culture until we address the system that is directly or indirectly responsible for a lot of what we complain about: capitalism.

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