If you aren’t willing to rise up in arms for revolution so as to bring about the end of market capitalism, then you must admit you are willing to live, and have been willing to live, AND work, in the economic system you abhor… for some time now.  As part of what?  a prolonged strategy… electing socialists :-0?  using the justice system (lol)?  At what point do the unsustainable practices of such a system become intolerable and require intervention (read: revolution)?  Fuck tolerance, it’s time to move on from that.  How many Occupy movements will it take?  Movements where the state that is supposed to protect you has you evicted or has removed you somehow by an act thereof… choosing to defend private abstraction(s) as opposed to its public citizens?

100 years ago, it’s doubtful I’d have this same conversation, but I would love to go back in time and orient the “industrial revolution” properly; getting rid of unsustainable, poverty creating, capitalistic practices somehow.  Because no doubt things have just been fantastic for everyone here, across the globe, and everywhere since!!

Things are NOT improving.

With the increasing concentration of wealth & control of all tools/means of production into a smaller multi-nepotistic (yeah, I made that up, F-U), multinational dynasty, a subtle shift into an increasingly unregulated market will eventually happen.  Coupled with increasing population sizes and their resource demands, waste creation & consequent effect on the environment, what will be your weapon but those peaceful, THC-laden 2-fingers, relegated a slave to the system indefinitely, lest you move first… off planet.

So let’s do a reality check…

It’s only logical, given the path we’ve gone and are continuing toward, that to implement the socialist model you must organize a coup d’corporation’d’etat because eventually access to necessary organizational/strategic/tactical resources will become priced out of reach… or so heavily regulated, per request of the collusive corrupted relationship between the government and the industries that fund it, acquiring them may be too risky.

Or have we not reached crisis levels yet?  And why must we reach that point before action should be taken?  Have you become so sensitized to this culture as to consider the – worsening – conditions tolerable at this time?

But most importantly, do you honestly think you can use the current system to bring about the economy you desire?  Is this reasonable and logical?  Doesn’t the urgency of the situation demand direct action?  Show me evidence of this IF it is occurring.  And I’m not talking about mostly trivial social issues, like gay marriage.  While those things are important, they will resolve themselves over time.  ECONOMICS, or a properly functioning, sustainable economic system should be priority.

When war is declared not between 2 government entities representing nations of people but corporate CEO’s representing slaves extracting resources, diminishing basic resources with increasing demand proportional to population growth, as conspiratorial as it sounds, would that be sufficient enough for you to act?

Imagine everything being commodified, even the means to control populations.  This planet simply cannot handle the resource demands of growing populations, nor the waste created.  The rich and uber rich have declared themselves not only more valuable, but have purchased agreeable governments across the globe to ensure their survival.  The rest of us, the wage slaves, the workers, are expendable “human resources.”

Why not prevention via revolution?

Unless you’re channeling resources toward direct action & armed revolt, you should cease taking money from the working man to fund your mostly futile national and multinational goals.  Until control over the profits workers create are in the hands of the workers to use how they see fit, cooperatively, no alternative should ever be tolerated.  A new, non-capitalism basic economic system is a moral imperative, and arguably the only moral economic system will be free from the decadent “profit motive.”  It is impossible to argue for capitalism from morality.  It is a morally bereft system, and ALL issues of social importance should ONLY be argued from morality.  In fact, the only way to argue a valid point in regards to economic systems that effect society is to first do so first from morality, then from sustainability.

Yes, hooray for the individual, but we live in a world of communities, human relationships/partnerships/contracts etc, as is inevitable with growing populations; we do not reside on 1.5 acres of land individually, isolating, never interacting with one another … there are some who do that, cool, plenty of land for them … probably represent .0000000002% of the total world population.  For the rest of us who choose to mingle with other humans, sustainability of any system that comes about when independent communities interact – collections of individuals oriented toward common goals for the longevity of their community – is and should always be part of any calculation when determining an economic system.

So what’s it gonna be – acceptance and surrender to the system you hate?  Or quit being a whiny, passive, spineless cog greasing the lifeless machinery of capitalism and fight?

( P.S.)

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  1. […] an invitation to revolutionaries sorta […]

  2. […] economic issues. *sigh*   I’m going to assume that you agree with the basic premise of my calls for potentially violent direct action – that something drastic must be done regarding the […]

  3. Conroe says:

    Do you have any idea what sort/size of audience your blog reaches? I see lots of content but little discussion.. FYI, I found your page plastered on a urinal I frequent..

  4. jus10webb says:

    lol. I know, I put those there. it’s an awkward, random blog posting random thoughts, i figured i’d advertise in fitting places. my reasons are to reach like minds… in this past week, I’ve had more hits than any other, approaching a 1,000. I’m not sure how to make it grow, and to be honest, I don’t really care that much, hence advertising on a urinal.

    i mean i do, but i’m a humbled enlightened person, at least i’d like to think that 😉 so I invite criticism, i embrace it, correct me if i’m wrong, i won’t get mad, why would I? i’m learning what is right

  5. Conroe says:

    You should check out Richard Wolff’s program Economic Update on KPFT if you haven’t heard it before. Not sure when it plays these days, but the shows are archived on their website.

    • jus10webb says:

      ah yes, democracy at work! smart man. I probably have heard the show just didn’t realize it was him. my friend who teaches history up at lone star introduced me to DaW

  6. USCitizen says:

    Can you provide the name of a prosperous, content populous nation steeped in “socialism!”
    If so, why do you not reside there?

    • jus10webb says:

      Because I am a human who resides on earth before I am so-and-so from another country.

      It’s always the strategy of the self-absorbed to premise all positions regarding humans on where we are different first.

      And what do you mean by “prosperity”? Show me a country that has any form of capitalism that doesn’t have any poverty or homelessness. Both of those are and will forever be outcomes of capitalism.

      There is no socialist country or any country that has the system I prefer. That’s why revolution is so crucial, capitalism is destroying the planet off which it must use for resources, and creating unnecessary waste through its dependence on conspicuous consumption.

  7. […] there’s always a sufficient amount for food & a roof over their head?  A wage that, if we are to continue to use a capitalist economic system, ensures that all who willingly participate in such a system with their labor are neither starving […]

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