

When you see the Baron, remember the tooth … the tooth … the tooth! – Dune, 1984


I often wonder what ingenious focus group got together and concluded “nope, actually, the teeth are not part of the body, let us create a whole new category of insurance and call it Dental.”

The entire for-profit health insurance industry is a scam on the people as it is, but this is just absurd … then it made sense …

You can live without your teeth.  You can still work and survive in the absence of your pearly whites, or tar stains, or meth decayedwhatever.

So it technically does make sense as just about every other part of your body you can’t live without or without which simple life tasks become a chore, and you disabled.

Without teeth you may look old, but you’re still a functional human.  Losing 1 or 4 teeth is a lot less consequential than losing an arm or a kidney.


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